Thursday, July 29, 2010

The One Where I've Been Crafty

Oh that's right, I'm a crafter! The craziness of the last 4 months has made me push crafting to the back burner. Not only was most of my stuff in storage, but I just didn't feel like even thinking about knitting or scrapping. Then, once I got all settled in my new place, it hit me like a mack truck. I SO missed creating things. I do have a few LO's to share and (gasp) some knitting.

I think this one might be my most favorite LO I've ever done. It used a ridiculous amount of ribbon but I absolutely adore how it turned out.

One of my good friends and I. A super simple LO, but very fun to make.

This one I made at a retreat back in April, but don't think I ever shared.

And this is one that I made just a couple weeks ago. My creativity is coming back!

I was actually a bit worried that I wouldn't want to be crafty at all, ever again. But, I proved myself wrong and I couldn't be happier about it.

As for knitting, I am easing myself into it, LOL. I had been looking at patterns for lace shawls and they are really intimidating to me. So, I kept pushing knitting off and putting it to the side. Then, I found this cute pattern for a mesh dishcloth on another friends blog and started it immediately. It's super simple, but it makes me happy to be playing with needles and yarn again.

I've been working my way through a delicious stack of books. Mostly borrowed from friends or the library, which is even more awesome.

Right now I'm reading The Help by Kathryn Stockett, which is very good but a little heavy for me so I'm also indulging in The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner by Stephenie Meyer at the same time. Any book recommendations for me? I'll read almost anything. (Not that I don't have about 100 books waiting for me at home....)

Other than that, summer has been pretty uneventful, and I am so grateful for that. I've had enough drama in my life in the last 4 months than I want to have in the next 4 years! Except, the boyfriend has mono, yuck! But that's not too dramatic, just painful and tiresome for him. Hope you are all having a wonderful summer!


Anonymous said...


You have no idea how gleeful this makes me.

Also, I have been thinking about picking up The Help for about three months now. Maybe I should, then we could actually read the same book that isn't Harry Potter! JK <3

Love love love you!


Amber said...

I love your crafty post and that dishcloth looks adorable! I can't wait to see the finished product. :)

I see some of my books in that stack! I've been on a reading spree lately. Have you read "Those Who Save Us" by Jenna Blum? I'm reading that now and it's a fast read for me.

I still need to read the secret life of Bree Tanner. Thanks for the reminder!

I can't wait to see more of your crafty postings!!

Amy said...

i love this one, especially your book stack! yay! :)

amr mettwally abd elhafeez said...

i like naughty girls
very impressive
do not miss my blog aT

kranberrie said...

Very cute!!!! Craftiness is good :)

Unknown said...

With the arrival of Bryson, I dont have time to scrap anymore. :(